Please note, the products below are not available for purchase by program participants and are designed to be utilized by other Domestic Violence Intervention Programs.
Please note, the products below are not available for purchase by program participants and are designed to be utilized by other Domestic Violence Intervention Programs.
Men's Program Curriculum: The Language of Violence
Men's Program Curriculum: The Language of Violence
Includes workbook, program materials both hardcopy & CD with copyright waiver & Video $495.00
Workbooks: 24 Week Program or 48 Week Program = 29.95 each
Women's Program Curriculum: A Mission of Responsibility
Women's Program Curriculum: A Mission of Responsibility
Includes workbook, program materials both hardcopy & CD with copyright waiver: $495
Workbooks: 29.95 each
Video: Violence is a Choice: Holding Batterers Accountable
Video: Violence is a Choice: Holding Batterers Accountable
English video: $145.00
Spanish video: $145.00
Focus Program - Helping Offenders Break Through Denial
Focus Program - Helping Offenders Break Through Denial
Focus Program: $325.00
Offset Program - Violence Intervention for Youth
Offset Program - Violence Intervention for Youth
Offset Program: $325.00
Spanish Language Materials
Spanish Language Materials
Culturally Specific Workbook with video $625.00
Culturally Specific Workbook
Mothering Program
Mothering Program
Mothering Program: $450.00
Fathering Program
Fathering Program
Fathering Program: $450.00