
Please note, the products below are not available for purchase by program participants and are designed to be utilized by other Domestic Violence Intervention Programs.

Men's Program Curriculum: The Language of Violence

Includes workbook, program materials both hardcopy & CD with copyright waiver & Video             $495.00

Workbooks:  24 Week Program or 48 Week Program = 29.95 each 

Women's Program Curriculum:   A Mission of Responsibility

Includes workbook, program materials both hardcopy & CD with copyright waiver:  $495

Workbooks: 29.95 each

Video: Violence is a Choice: Holding Batterers Accountable

    English video:    $145.00

    Spanish video:    $145.00

Focus Program - Helping Offenders Break Through Denial

    Focus Program:    $325.00

Offset Program - Violence Intervention for Youth

    Offset Program:    $325.00

Spanish Language Materials

Culturally Specific Workbook

Mothering Program

    Mothering Program:    $450.00

Fathering Program

    Fathering Program:    $450.00